Now, I know as I type this that you are immediately thinking of "Grease," the musical. Let's just say this ain't nothin' close to that old movie, nor will it ever be found in the return box at the regular Blockbuster down the street. No, NO, this messy summer romance is MY actual one, and nervously I will type it to you. (Just so everyone/anyone who is reading this knows, my friend Kylie suggested I write this, so all props go to her for making me have the courage to do it!)
I had already dated the kid. Nuff said and done, I didn't want him back, until of course, I was scheduled to hang out with friends at the Copper Hills Park. I'll never forget that lovely sunny day when my sister pulled past the kids I was supposed to hang out with, and I jumped outta her car while it was still moving, plummeting to the road, scuffing my knees and dirtying my new mini shorts.
I just wanted to be with my friends (Can't drive, so this was possibly the only time I would see them), tripping over myself as my sister bellowed angrily at my stunted move, I had finally made it over to the group of people I had been cleaning my house for all morning.
There they stood in their circle, Megs with her short dyed hair and radiant features, Bri with her lovely voice and angry eyes as her sister made a fool of herself, Zach with his big nose and perfect build, Shay with her long hair, K.c with his awkward looks at Bri (who was attracted to him at the time), and then the was Church.. who I oddly was not told was going to be there.
Church would be the Ex I was telling you about in the previous paragraphs. Yuppers, he's the one I've been going gaga over since seventh grade. The normal explanation of this kid is he stands 6'1, has brown eyes, brown hair, a large nose, braces, and really big feet. My Summer explanation of him is he's my knight in faded red Converse, with the perfect sized Hershey eyes that are framed with long butterfly wings, and his smile could break down any wall-especially the ones I built to save myself from these worthless teenage hormones I knew were pointed right in his direction. (bleh)
I know, it's sick I even wrote that, but c'mon I DID tell Kylie I would write it.
Anyway, as soon as I saw my friends I immediately hugged them all and took my place next to K.c. We hung out like this for what seemed to be every week.. and Church and I got into a bigger mess it seemed everyday.
One of these days lead to what I call now, "The Great Day That Fated Disaster." This day consisted of all of our friends having to leave because of previous engagements, unpaid groundings, and babysitting appointments- which let the ex and I to have too much time alone together. We sat in the baseball field and talked- the subject mostly being, "Why Aren't We Dating Anymore?" We went on a walk in the park after a scary call from his mother.. One thing followed the next and we were kissing. Then he left. (Sorry for not a lot of details- personal business)
July third hit, we were dating again, and EVERYTHING was right in the world.
The clock was ticking, summer itself was ending faster then it was supposed to, and as if the clock's hands were just oiled EVERYTHING moved by way too fast.
EVERYTHING still seems to be perfect. Nothing wrong as far as I'm concerned. Church joined the school play and got the lead role, I joined Cross Country, we were having fun being active with our school activities.
A Cross Country practice had ended, I walked into the play practice to say hi and my friend was with Church.
Play practice ends.
I ask if he liked the friend that was with him, he said no...
The clock strikes twelve.
I'm single.
I'm not very happy... to say the least.. :) haha
He tells me he still likes me
we leave a bigger mess then Summer could have hoped...
Church dance night.
My friends all tell about the big mistake I was making by trying to be with him, and then they all admit to liking him.
The Summer Romance that had started off so perfect then, almost too quickly ended in disaster.
No, I didn't enjoy watching him walk away (once again wearing the red Converse I adored so much), but what else was supposed to happen? It's Junior High. It's not like we were going to get married or anything.